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Arrival & Dismissal

The school day begins at 8:30 AM. Students being dropped off should go to areas designated below by grade. Note that in the case of inclement weather, drop-off location may change.



Regular Drop-Off Location

Driveway Playground


During Inclement Weather
Classroom (Exit 8 at end of driveway)


Regular Drop-Off Location

Driveway Playground


During Inclement Weather
Classroom (Exit 8 at end of driveway)

1st Grade

Regular Drop-Off Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard

2nd Grade

Regular Drop-Off Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard


3rd Grade

Regular Drop-Off Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard



4th Grade

Regular Drop-Off Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard​


5th Grade

Regular Drop-Off Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard​



School Bus Arrival

Students who arrive on the school bus are met by a school aide who escorts them into the school building.


Instruction begins as soon as the students arrive in the classroom. Please give your child the opportunity to make an unhurried transition into a very busy school day by bringing them on time. All students who arrive after 8:30 will be considered late and must stop at the Main Office to ensure they are marked present. Keep in mind that lateness is a part of a student’s permanent record and is considered by middle schools when reviewing applications for admission.

Dismissal is at 2:50 PM for full days and 11:50 AM for half days. Parents and/or caregivers picking up students should go to areas designated in the table below for dismissal. Note that in the case of inclement weather and/or schoolyard closure, pick-up location may change as indicated below.



Regular Pickup Location

Driveway Playground


During Inclement Weather
Classroom (Exit 8 at end of driveway)​


Regular Pickup Location

Driveway Playground


During Inclement Weather
Classroom (Exit 8 at end of driveway)

1st Grade

Regular Pickup Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard​



2nd Grade

Regular Pickup Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard​



3rd Grade

Regular Pickup Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard​

4th Grade

Regular Pickup Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard​



5th Grade

​Regular Pickup Location

W. 97th Street Gate/Schoolyard


School Bus Dismissal

Students who take the yellow school bus are escorted by their teacher to the auditorium where they will be met by a school aide. The school aide will ensure they get on the proper bus.

Dismissal to an After School Program

Students are escorted by their teacher to the cafeteria where they will be met by their afterschool program representatives. Parents/Guardians must keep informed of the afterschool schedule changes.

Changes to Dismissal Routines

Your child will only be dismissed to contacts listed on the emergency card. If there are changes to your child’s dismissal routine, you must send a note to the teacher with your child the morning of the change. For example, if your child regularly takes the bus but is being picked up that day, the teacher must have a note that is signed by the parent. If you wish your child to be picked up by another parent, you must also send that in writing. Last-minute changes to your child’s dismissal routine are strongly discouraged as they require the office to interrupt instructional time to inform the teacher.

Early Dismissal

Please schedule dentist, doctor and other appointments for your child after school hours. However, if a student needs to leave school early, they must be signed out in the Main Office before 2:00 PM by an adult over 18 years old. This adult MUST be listed on the emergency card unless the teacher has been notified in writing by the parent. Parents/Guardians may not pick up directly from the classroom but must go to the Main Office where a staff member will call the classroom. Students will not be able to wait for early pick-up in the Main Office unless they have been sent there by the School Nurse. Students will stay in their classroom until the parent arrives. THERE WILL BE NO CLASSROOM INTERRUPTIONS AFTER 2:00 PM.

Late Pickup

Students must be picked up promptly at the end of the school day. There is no late room available. We understand that emergencies do occur. Please call the Main Office if there is an emergency and you will be late. Parents/caregivers who arrive later than the designated pickup time will pick up their student in the driveway. Students who are not picked up on time will wait in the driveway with school aides. Before leaving the building, the child must be signed out in the appropriate sign-out book. If it becomes very late and a child is not picked up, and no one on the emergency card can be reached, the 24th Precinct will be notified.

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