Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff Directory
Name | Title | Email |
Jessica Aguirre | Teacher | JAguirre6@schools.nyc.gov
Kelly Aherne | Teacher Special Education | KAherne2@schools.nyc.gov
Yesenia Alfaro | Teacher | YAlfaro@schools.nyc.gov
Maria Apostolidis | Teacher Special Education | MApostolidis@schools.nyc.gov
Francis Arena | Teacher | FArena2@schools.nyc.gov
Lauren Ayzenberg | Teacher | LAyzenberg@schools.nyc.gov
Carmen Baez Melis | Annual Educational Para | CBaezmelis@schools.nyc.gov
Mary Bogle | Physical Therapist (Doe) | MBogle2@schools.nyc.gov
Jeannette Bonilla | Annual Educational Para | JBonilla8@schools.nyc.gov
Shana Bookman | Occ Educational Para | SBookman@schools.nyc.gov
Jacqueline Brandwen | Teacher | JBrandwen@schools.nyc.gov
Belinda Brayboy | Annual Educational Para | BBrayboy@schools.nyc.gov
Jennifer Burns-Rotich | Teacher Special Education | JBurnsrotich@schools.nyc.gov
Sarah Butkos | Teacher - Per Diem | SButkos@schools.nyc.gov
Adeline Calderon | F/T Family Para | ACalderon3@schools.nyc.gov
Jaimee Camiguel | Occupational Therapist (Doe) | Jcamiguel@schools.nyc.gov
Molly Candal | Teacher | MCandal@schools.nyc.gov
Cynthia Castro | Teacher | CCastro3@schools.nyc.gov
Maureen Chery | Occ Educational Para | MChery9@schools.nyc.gov
Brianna Cohen | Teacher Special Education | BCohen25@schools.nyc.gov
Amy Cool | Teacher | ACool@schools.nyc.gov
Linda Crews | Teacher - Per Session | LCrews@schools.nyc.gov
Peter Cruz | Teacher | PCruz@schools.nyc.gov
Keira Dillon | Teacher | KDillon@schools.nyc.gov
Donna Dorio | F/T School Aide | DDorio@schools.nyc.gov
Bongi Doughty | Teacher | BDoughty@schools.nyc.gov
Emily El Chami | Teacher | EElchami@schools.nyc.gov
Sergine Elysee | Occ Educational Para | SElysee@schools.nyc.gov
Freneirys Fortunato | Annual Educational Para | FFortunato3@schools.nyc.gov
Allyce Fucigna | Teacher Special Education | AFucign@schools.nyc.gov
Marieli Garcia | School Lunch Aide | MGarcia126@schools.nyc.gov
Shirllie Gonzalez | Teacher Assigned A | SGonzalez60@schools.nyc.gov
Matthew Goodwin | Teacher Special Education | MGoodwin4@schools.nyc.gov
Regina Gutierrez | Teacher | RGutierrez2@schools.nyc.gov
Tavella Hamer | Annual Educational Para | THamer2@schools.nyc.gov
Tori Hirsch | Teacher Special Education | THirsch5@schools.nyc.gov
Pauline Johnson | School Secretary | PJOHNSON6@schools.nyc.gov
James Jordan | Annual Educational Para | JJordan10@schools.nyc.gov
Sarah Kaufman | Teacher Special Education | SKaufman10@schools.nyc.gov
Elana Kuflik | Teacher Special Education | EKuflik@schools.nyc.gov
Regina Leonard | Teacher | RLeonar@schools.nyc.gov
Emily Little | Assistant Principal | ELittle5@schools.nyc.gov
Donny Lopez | Principal | DLopez17@schools.nyc.gov
Nicole Lopez | Occ Educational Para | NLopez42@schools.nyc.gov
Irene Marti Martinez | Teacher | IMartiM@schools.nyc.gov
Theophilus Martin | Occ Educational Para | TMartinJr@schools.nyc.gov
Christopher Moran | Teacher | CMoran7@schools.nyc.gov
Carolyn Moreno | Teacher Special Education | CMoreno12@schools.nyc.gov
Yhajaira Muniz | Annual Educational Para | YMuniz@schools.nyc.gov
Natasha Nordahl-Levine | Teacher | NNordahllevine@schools.nyc.gov
Tiffany Opong | Teacher | TOpong@schools.nyc.gov
Julianna Parker | Annual Educational Para | JParker18@schools.nyc.gov
Yvonne Peterson | Subst Abuse Prev&Inter Sp | YPeters@schools.nyc.gov
Ayanna Pichardo | Occ Educational Para | APichardo17@schools.nyc.gov
Angela Pujols | Annual Educational Para | APujols@schools.nyc.gov
Karen Ramirez | School Psychologist | KRamire@schools.nyc.gov
Rafael Richardson | F/T School Aide | RRichardson25@schools.nyc.gov
Maritza Rivera | F/T School Aide | MRivera80@schools.nyc.gov
Joaquin Rodriguez | Teacher | JRodriguez170@schools.nyc.gov
Yesica Rodriguez | Annual Educational Para | YRodriguez28@schools.nyc.gov
Albania Rodriguez | F/T School Aide | ARODRIGUEZ81@schools.nyc.gov
Glenda Rosado | Teacher | GRosado8@schools.nyc.gov
Nathalie Roussel | Teacher | NRoussel@schools.nyc.gov
Maxie Salomon | Teacher Special Education | MSalomon6@schools.nyc.gov
Sarah Sanders | Teacher - Reg Sub | SSanders14@schools.nyc.gov
Yael Santana | Teacher | YSantan@schools.nyc.gov
Erin Schiemann | Teacher | ESchiemann@schools.nyc.gov
Sarah Scott | Teacher Special Education | SScott21@schools.nyc.gov
Samantha Seigel | Teacher | SSeigel@schools.nyc.gov
Athena Shapiro | Teacher | AShapiro@schools.nyc.gov
Nancy Silverman | Teacher Special Education | NSilver@schools.nyc.gov
Jennifer Smullian | Guidance Counselor | JSmullian@schools.nyc.gov
Velma Solomon | Occ Educational Para | VSolomon2@schools.nyc.gov
Denise Soto | Teacher | DSoto5@schools.nyc.gov
Anna Marie Spallina | Teacher | ASpalli@schools.nyc.gov
Carolyn Starkey | Teacher | CStarkey3@schools.nyc.gov
Lydia Suliveres | Teacher | LSulive@schools.nyc.gov
Edward Sweeney | Teacher Special Education | ESweene2@schools.nyc.gov
Judiha Thornton | Occ Educational Para | JThornton5@schools.nyc.gov
Caulette Thornton | Annual Educational Para | CThornton2@schools.nyc.gov
Jannethe Villacis Aman | Occ Educational Para | JVillacisaman2@schools.nyc.gov
Kelli Walworth | Teacher Special Education | KWalworth@schools.nyc.gov
Stacey Wilson | Occ Educational Para | SWilson54@schools.nyc.gov
Zaikwan Wing | Teacher | ZWing@schools.nyc.gov
Andrea Woodhouse | Assistant Principal | ASpence32@schools.nyc.gov
Cheryl Wu | Teacher | CWu12@schools.nyc.gov

Donny Lopez has been the principal of PS 163 since 2012. Since the start of his career as a building leader, Donny has worked closely with his staff on increasing student-led discussions as a way to support the school's vision of supporting and nurturing the opinions and ideas of its students. In 2017, Donny applied for PS 163 to be a host Learning Partners Program School. They were accepted and under Donny's leadership as a model principal (2017-19), PS 163 spent the following two years working with neighboring schools on sharing their best practices on student-led discussions.
In 2018-19, Donny was accepted into the Cahn Fellowship Program for Distinguished Principals at Teachers College, Columbia University. His yearlong project focused on unpacking cultural bias and connecting the work of equity to daily classroom instruction as a means to ensure equitable practices.
This year, Donny has joined the UELP doctor of education program at Teachers College, Columbia University to strengthen his leadership skills so that he has the necessary tools to interrupt systemic structures that lead to disproportionate outcomes for students of color.
A graduate of the 2011-12 NYC Leadership Academy, Lopez received a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in rehabilitation services from The Pennsylvania State University, a Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T.) from Fordham University, and he received a Master of Science in Education (Ed.M.) administration from Bank Street College. Before working as a principal, Donny was a special education public school teacher in district 3. He currently lives in NYC, is happily married, has two children, and is an avid runner.
Donny Lopez