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Emergency Procedures

The school safety committee reviews emergency procedures throughout the school year and teachers are informed of these procedures through meetings, memos, the faculty handbook and through practice with our students.


Fire Safety:
PS 163 has a comprehensive fire drill procedure and we conduct practice drills with our entire school at least eight times in the fall and four more times in the Spring. Teachers have written copies of the plan and exit routes are posted in the classroom.

Evacuation Procedures:
The evacuation procedures are similar to the fire drill procedures. Students and teachers will exit the building in the same way they do during a fire drill. However, depending on the nature of the emergency, we will leave the vicinity of the school and proceed to the evacuation locations. Teachers will have their class lists so they can monitor each student’s attendance and make contact with families as necessary. A member of the administrative team will accompany students and teachers to the evacuation site and, to whatever extent it is deemed safe to do so, an administrator will stay at the school to direct families and work with officials to address the emergency.

Lockdown Drills:
Lockdown drills are practiced throughout the year so that teachers, children and staff know what to do to stay safe in certain emergency circumstances.

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